Focussed & goal oriented
technical product mastermind
I am a senior leader of complex technology environments with many years of web development experience, as well as managing software development and product teams. I am responsible for tech- strategy & tech-vision, cyber security, DevOps, hands-on solutions as well as team development.
My focus is optimizing and supporting the way, software development teams work: from a hierarchical structure into self-managed and purpose-driven product teams with clear roles and responsibilities.

The little secret in product is that engineers are typically the best single source of innovation; yet, they are not even invited to the party in this process.
– Marty Cagan –
clear goals will create real value

It is essential to understand your business, product, goals, current set-up and future needs to create value in the next steps.
Initial concept & roadmap
The initial concept defines WHAT the next actions will be. Based on these actions, a roadmap will be planned and reviewed with you together, which we will challange on a regular basis.
Weekly meetings
Regular, fixed meetings will show progress. We work, learn & optimize together. Close communication is key for success.
Competencies offered
- Software architecture
- Technical sparring
- Building dev teams
- MVP concept & creation
- GDPR & Security
- C-level advisory
- Tech DD
- Proactive monitoring

Software architecture is key for a scalable product
A robust software architecture shapes IT systems in a good manner. Choosing the right set up depends on factors like timeframe, budget, and the available skill set of the developers.
Technical sparring within the operational team
Execute on goals and operate in a multidisciplinary structure all over the company, needs the competence to help tackle difficult technical problems of today and tomorrow. Having someone with tech experience helps the whole organization in the daily business.
Building and optimizing onsite or near shoring development teams
A clear vision and product roadmap needs a stong dev team to execute. Finding the right people (near shore or locally) and arranging the most efficient way of working on todos is cruicial in the process of creating a product, valuable for customers.
Conceptioning & creating MVPs
It can be necessary to create a first working MVP of a product to evaluate the market and/or talk to investors. Creating code today and using it tomorrow can be very valuable here.
Data and IT security must be considered from the start on
With an increasing number of users, devices and programs, combined with the increased deluge of data, the importance of cybersecurity is very important. Including GDPR and security solutions should be considered right from the start on.

Technical partner within the C-Level team
Supporting the C-Level team on the vision, strategy and tech set-up is important for a successfull company. Transparent and pro-active communication is a must.

Technical Due Diligence
Sometimes tech DDs need to be done due to M&A activities or investors asking for tech details to understand the infrastructure and set-up in detail.

Proactive system & process monitoring
You can't optimize what's not measured. It is essential to proactively monitor and alert all systems and processes for a great running business.
Focus on getting things done, and not on hourly rates!
You ask me anything, I'll give advice.
- Sparring end to end
- Access to my network
- Kick off call (1-2h)
- On demand advice on topics of your choice
- 4 virtual meetings (4x60 Min) a month
- Slack me anytime
- Optional: concept creation
- Optional: concept execution
- No long-term commitment needed!
Proactive sparring
More than just advice, it's about active sparring.
- Sparring end to end
- Access to my network
- Kick off call (2-4h)
- Initial concept & roadmap (100 day plan)
- 4 virtual meetings (4x60 Min) a month
- Slack me anytime
- Included: concept creation and presentation
- Optional: concept execution
- No long-term commitment needed!
Fully executing the strategy & roadmap
- Sparring end to end
- Access to my network
- Kick off workshop(s)
- Initial concept & roadmap (100 day plan)
- daily virtual meetings a month
- Included: concept creation and presentation
- Included: concept execution
- No long-term commitment needed!
In Touch
Please describe the project and challenge you’re facing. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Five Lakes Consulting GmbH
- [email protected]
- Dorfstr. 14, 82229 Seefeld, DE
- DE 362851012
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